The Boudie Bank Account is like your personal savings account for your boudoir session + products. Decide your own contribution amount!
Choose your own monthly contribution for your Boudie Bank Account. The minimum investment amount is $100/month, recurring the same day each month.
Schedule your session date. You may schedule your shoot as far out as you'd like in order to give yourself more time to contribute to your Boudie Bank Account.
Order your boudoir collection or product! Your Boudie Bank Account balance will go towards your session fee and/or product order. Stress less knowing you've got money in the bank.
Client agrees to allow automatic credit/debit card payments to be processed by Debra Alison Photography monthly. Client is responsible for paying automatically on the same day of each month until desired amount has been paid toward product purchase. Client acknowledges that all payments are non-refundable. All payments will be credited toward product purchase at photo reveal & ordering appointment in the studio.
Client may cancel their Boudie Bank Account at any time by contacting
*Please note : ALL payments, sales, retainers and product fees are final and non-refundable for any reason, but will be considered credit.*
Who Is Eligible For The Boudie Bank Account?
I would suggest the Boudie Bank Account to any client who does not have a particular occasion in mind for their session. Other than that, this option is available to anyone who wants to budget for their session!
How Long Can I Pay Into It?
You can continuing paying for however long you want for up to one year! We won't book your session date until it covers the Boudoir Creation Fee. You can even book the session in full + sign up for the Boudie Bank Account.
What are the benefits to The Boudie Bank Account?
Firstly, it allows you to do something for yourself without a large up front cost. Secondly, you will be able to get the product(s) that you desire the most. And lastly, you will be able to have the session of your dreams without having to narrow down your images to fit into your budget the day of your reveal!
Are Payments Refundable?
Once payments have been made into your Boudie Bank Account they are not refundable. You'll always be able to use it as credit for any session or product order!