Update and Sneak Peek of Miss G!
Hello all! The ball is rolling on my many projects coming up! I hope you are all excited, because I am. As promised, I have a gorgeous shoot, but it's not ready to reveal... yet.
If you don't follow me on Facebook, well start following. I just celebrated my grandmom's 89th birthday and it was so awesome!
Happy Birthday Grandmama!
I followed up with a 5k, the ROC Race, which is a obstacle course. It's like that show Wipeout, seriously hilarious and fun!!! Yeah, I've been kind of busy lately. But, I haven't forgotten about you folks. I have a sneak peek to this amazing shoot with this seriously amazing lady. Just starting the editing. Meet Miss G. Just so you know, G stands for Gorgeous. (Or Genuine or Goofy or Gosh-darn-freaking-awesome.)