Client Interview - Boudoir Experience - La Jolla Coves Photo Session
Our recent beach shoot with this buxom babe took place at La Jolla Coves! This gorgeous super babe's birthday was this week, so let's all wish her a wonderful birthday! And is there a better way to celebrate than an outdoor boudoir session? I think not.
A cloudy day at La Jolla Coves and a super babe makes for boudoir MAGIC!
What's your name?: Amanda Sullivan
What's your age?: 26
Describe yourself using only 5 words: playful, private, intelligent, colorful, and loving.
This image totally describes Amanda!
What prompted you to pull the trigger and schedule a boudoir session? : It was a birthday present for my husband.
Men are so easy to please. Haha!
How do you feel about your body & what do you love about your body? : For the most part I view my body as functional. I've never been super thrilled with it, but its what I have, so I've got to use it. With that being said, some of my favorite attributes are my slender bony wrists and ankles.
How did you feel about being (nearly) naked in front of the camera? : I was leagues out of my comfort zone, but You have to pull up your big girls panties and just go forth it. Commitment to a shot is key.
Did you have any fears about your boudoir session? : Not specific fears, just a general uneasiness about exposing myself. I don't even wear two piece swimsuits, so this was a big leap.
Beach Boudoir Session SLAYED!
What was your favorite part about the boudoir experience? : My favorite part was the waves that crashed into me, and almost got Debra too. I feel like that was a turning point in getting my nerves and the giggles out. It helped me focus afterwards.
Those waves caught us by surprise TWICE! But did Amanda look amazing!!!
How did you feel after seeing the images we created? : Oh my gosh the images are stunning! STUNNING! I felt like a fool sometimes having to stick my butt out more or twist my hips or rest my weight on my shoulders differently, but all the awkward posing paid off!
Your best advice for women interested in their own boudoir session? : Go for it! Make it unique to you! Finally, be adventurous! You won't get the shots you want unless you can trust Debra to make that happen, and sometimes that means stepping outside your comfort zone.
Reflecting back to your shoot, what was the most important thing you can take away for your experience?: Most important thing I took away from the experience would be to have fun. You may feel foolish, accept it and embrace it.
How did you like working with Debra Alison Photography?: I had a wonderful time working with Debra and her team. Honestly, the whole experience was a blast!

Say hello & drop a line to wish Amanda a Happy Birthday on my Instagram!