Business Revamp "Camp"

Business Revamp "Camp"

from $3,000.00

Business Revamp Camp is an all-inclusive program that can help you launch or re-launch your business! We'll have a sit down meeting each month to talk shop and ensure all your ducks are in a row. From luxury branding, down to a blogging schedule - you'll have all the tools to pitch your own tent of success.

  • Branding & Logo Design
  • Web & Blog Design
  • 3 Month Business "Camp"
Payment Options:
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Camp Itinerary:

Full Branding & Logo Design

  • 1 Main Branding Logo

  • 1 Alternate Logo

  • Style Guide with font & color scheme

  • Business Card Design

Web + Blog Design

  • Desktop & mobile website

  • Splash page or "Coming Soon" Page

  • Website design & layout

  • 4 pages - About, Contact, Portfolio/Blog & Home

  • Social media integration

3 Month Business "Camp" with monthly meetings

  • Creating a business plan

  • Defining your ideal client

  • Using & set up of email marketing & social media

  • Content & portfolio building

  • 2 photography sessions (product shots, behind the scenes, lifestyle)

$6000 to enroll

Payment plan available $2000 for 3 months